Finding Joy Here On ‘Earth”
Why Worry at All?

Have you ever asked yourself “What is this life all about?” You are not alone. Here is a scientific explanation about reality. Is anything ‘real?’

From author Robert Wolfe:

“All of this phenomenon are found within what we call our apparent universe. For some time now, scientists- particularly physicists and astronomers- have been concluding some strange things about our universe.

For instance, astronomer professor Mark Whittle:
The total mass/energy of the universe equals zero; the universe sums to nothing. This is to what one associates with traditional spiritual-based cosmologies. This also gives us insight into how the universe came into being: perhaps it came from nothing. So, the universe could come from nothing because it is fundamentally, nothing.

And physicist Don Lincoln:
According to the theory of general relativity, before the universe began expanding- before the ‘bang’- all of the matter and energy of the universe was located in a single point: a sphere with zero sizes. The scientific term for this is a singularity.
If all mass and energy existed in a single point, and mass and energy are equal to space and times a constant, then space and time must be in a single point.

That means that there is no other space. It’s not that space exists, and the singularity exists in that space and then explodes. It’s that all of the space exists inside the same point. And if everything exists inside that point, then it stands to reason that nothing is outside of that point

That means that when the big bang occurred, the explosion didn’t expand into space. It means that space was created during the expansion. There was nothing outside of the universe.

So, how real is the universe? It is said to have emerged- along with time, space, and the cause- and effect which appears in them- from a point zero in size.

In other words, we have a universe that is fundamentally nothing supposedly exploding from a zero-size point in nothing.

How real does that make it?
The ‘universe’ is in the mind- and the mind itself is ephemeral. The universe is not ultimately a reality; no more so than is the mind an ultimate reality.’

Painting by Kevin Roth copyright 2020

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